Be Able to Apologize Yourself from your Mistake is Important to be a Good Mother
Sebastian Gomez
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Long phrase but seriously true, sometimes we demand from our children what we decide to avoid and one of these things is the fact to say sorry when your committee a mistake, and of course this starts very deep inside us and is very important to look what really happens and to take the right actions with our behavior.
Here is important to remember that sons and daughter get influence from our example and this really begins with the way we treat them, if they see we are too badly proud of our selves to avoid ask for apologize for a mistake we made to them, they will start to be like this with us and with any other around them.
So the first thing to solve this matter is to note that it is happening, and this is not an easy task when we think we are right on the way we act, here is important to note that as humans we use to try pass responsibility to what we have around and is rare to note we are behind the mistake. So the first thing to do on this way is to ask for advice or for a referee.
Is important the presence of a third person to help us see some situations from another point of view and then we will be able to see our mistakes with our children and if we made something wrong against them it will be the perfect time to ask them for pardon.