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Thursday, February 9, 2017

By On Thursday, February 09, 2017
Home this place that is present on more than 80% of the days in our life, this is the place where the major part of our life develops and by the way the place that is usually more affected for the routine. We use to live surrounded by the same colors, the same distributions and the same things for too much time.

And perhaps we usually never note, this constantly way of look affects our behavior and our humor at home, especially on seasons like winter where being at home is most frequently than ever, and why not? When the spring is coming soon this could be the perfect time to prepare your house for the rest of the year.


Making some exciting and new changes on it that will give a new look to the place you live and by the way a new point of view for your family. On this idea you should begin with the common areas at home, here there are included, the living room, dining room, kitchen and the patio.

Of course the patio has to be the last, especially if you live in a place who is still victim of snowing days. To start making the changes you can begin with the most common places of all the living room, here a change of color and furniture distribution use to be enough, but of course this change of color could involve new paintings on the wall specially if you have some ones in the attic.

Your kitchen could need even more attention than dining and living room, especially if you are considering a change of colors there or a new topic for decoration, here you need to test the ideas before you put them in action.

Did you know the app clue?

By On Thursday, February 09, 2017
There are more and more apps jumping to the market everyday but not all the programs for women are well considered useful, special for those matters that only concern with our nature, and is precisely on this matter that clue app is in the market, a completely program designed to give you accurate and useful information about your menstruation period.

Clue is an app designed to register and provide a considerable precisely control around all your cycle, with this program you can predict your menstruation days, see the weeks you are fertile and by the way get accurately information to be better those days where the pain is more high.

The idea with the develop of this mobile program is to provide you basic and advanced information with few data entries, the program will ask you about the last date of your menstruation and also will require you some answers to basic question, the results returned on information will surprise you a lot.

Clue can even tell you about your preferences around food, according to your hormonal situation every day of the month, by the same way this program is also used for the women who want to get pregnant because is very accurate to predict the best times for fertility. 

So here you have on your hands a program excellent for you on every time of your life and that will help you to know you better, that’s why is personally recommend you to get this program on your mobile now, and keep yourself using it.

Of course there are some other programs in the market, but clue is one of the original ones and of course it comes with the developers’ compromise who want to be on the top of this kind of mobile apps.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What to do with this extra energy after a light day of work

By On Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Light days at work are the opposite to the heavy days, and maybe they could sound rare to mention but no matter how few they could be in your life they really exist, and if we take on action the phrase that says we need to use the time well, light days at work are really perfect to do some extra activities after our schedule there ends.

To us our energy well we need to change the bear chip on our mind that tell us to work and then no matter how much energy we have go straight to home and rest, this is the natural law of a bad routine, and the idea here in this new year is to radically change it in a better way. So on the following lines we will review what could you do with this energy on your time out of work.

First let’s review how is your exercise routine, the idea is to give your body some extra benefits of being out of work with good feelings and for this you just need to focus on do something different with your exercise routine this days, you can begin by going to walk in a different place than usual.

Or to planning a friend’s exercise reunion with your closer ones after work in a different a good place, you can choose natural environment and go hiking to a mountain trial, go along the beach, or just take a trial around the forest, all you need to do is combine something different with well company and put your energy to work.

Music to relax after a heavy day of work

By On Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Heavy days at work are more frequently than we use to note, especially on winter the perfect season to be low and feeling easy tired of almost everything around us including the work of course, on this truly facts looking for something different could pass by the fantasy ideas of being in another place, like an island on the Caribbean, or working somewhere else, etc.

But when we discover that this idea is impossible for now, our fantasies became a kind of torture objects and our finally emotional state becomes worst than before, and this is usually the rule after a heavy day of work, we want to go outside the world but the world is still behind us getting present on almost every image that comes to our mind.

So if you don’t have enough money or time to go out on a cruise to the Caribbean, or to pay an entire day at the spa, why not try to change something on the environment? And you can do it with music, maybe the cheapest alternative, but let me tell you that is more effective than you can imagine specially on this extra heavy day.

For this music therapy you can use your tablet, laptop, or even your cellphone, and plug it with a bigger equipment if you want more sound effects, and then look on the web for relaxing classical music, deep house music, Bossa nova jazz music or even harp music. These 4 categories are perfect for almost any preferences and by the way they are extremely effective to relax yourself.

Music can make the difference at the end of the day and if you can set the environment around your way at home you will be more relaxed than ever at the end of the day.
