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Sunday, March 26, 2017

By On Sunday, March 26, 2017
Are you addicted to something?

Addictions comes on so many presentations and even without knowing you could be a victim of one, if we try to define the term, we will find that addiction could be consider the exceed of something together with the word frequent, this comes also with some kind of need sense from our mind.

This situation pus our body into a considered stress when we can satisfy the addiction we have, and of course here comes so many factors to deal with in order to figure out how to leave from this mental and hormonal situation. 

When we use to think on addictions we think so frequently on drugs, and alcohol, and of course they are addictions, but our society had been comfortable to ignore also some other addictions that can result deathly for human health too, like caffeine.

We can divide addictions on two different kinds, the first ones are those who involves being addicted to drink or eat something, even on injections, those are the addictions who includes alcohol, drugs and any other substance that makes our body feel the need of frequently receive it.

On the second side are the activities, those things who involves us to do something, here comes the pornography addiction, work addiction, and even so many other behaviors who involves some hormonal reaction, activities where human mind starts to do and depend on them as a need.

The first step to treat and addiction is to understand that you have it, if your recently behavior fits on one of these categories and the definition of the term, then you will be probably facing an addiction condition.

If you have it the second step to treat it comes to determine the cause and search for accurate help to deal with it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Be Able to Apologize Yourself from your Mistake is Important to be a Good Mother

By On Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Long phrase but seriously true, sometimes we demand from our children what we decide to avoid and one of these things is the fact to say sorry when your committee a mistake, and of course this starts very deep inside us and is very important to look what really happens and to take the right actions with our behavior.

Here is important to remember that sons and daughter get influence from our example and this really begins with the way we treat them, if they see we are too badly proud of our selves to avoid ask for apologize for a mistake we made to them, they will start to be like this with us and with any other around them.

So the first thing to solve this matter is to note that it is happening, and this is not an easy task when we think we are right on the way we act, here is important to note that as humans we use to try pass responsibility to what we have around and is rare to note we are behind the mistake. So the first thing to do on this way is to ask for advice or for a referee.

Is important the presence of a third person to help us see some situations from another point of view and then we will be able to see our mistakes with our children and if we made something wrong against them it will be the perfect time to ask them for pardon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ready for spring?

By On Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Spring is coming and with the arrive of the new season we will finally telling good bye to this heavy and very heavy winter by the way, weather this day had been particularly cold and with it the snow and the ice had made some damage to our gardens, homes and roads, and the spring is like this lifesaver that we wait to see the things in color and well again.

So the deal here is how to start making some preparation at home for the new season, and by the way how to plan make something new when the warmest weather comes to our home, this new year is perfect to make new change at home and to try make a revolution on the place we live, this change will be well received for our family perhaps they can critic it at the first time.

Make a change for spring could sound expensive but a huge percent of good change you can do at home demands less money than you can imagine. By the way you can start by a change on the way the furniture is distributed around your home, and why not begin with your own room?

You can start to change the bed direction and look to redecorate the whole space since the distribution of everything to add or take out something, I rode to use a paper and draw the alternatives to re distribute the room and you can do the same. Add some new painting is also great for the next season.

Paint your room or living is usually not so expensive and by the way it can really a difference on the entire environment, by going to a store like Lowe’s or Home Depot, you can find thousands of color alternatives and make with not too much money a great spring change.

Getting some out of season cloths

By On Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Buy cloths out of season is an excellent way to save money and by the way to prepare your stock for the next months that are already far to come, right now when we use to buy cloths the tradition pushes us to buy on season, and of course to buy at a more expensive price than usual, on the other hand buy out of season means also buy out of holiday time.

Maybe this could sound extreme but going against the current is usually full of benefits at least on what shopping and other things of savings means too. Of course on this way of acting you need to see the offers where there is not lights or shinny stickers over it like it is usually on shopping times like Christmas.

But at the end of the day if you compare your out of season cloths bought in price with the money you use to spend buying on season you will note a difference in favor of this method. And the best thing is that to do this you just need to be armed with a calculator and time to go and compare on store.

I personally recommend you the outlets, to this purpose this kinds of store are on the good way to find big deals and by the hand to jump out of the current, by visiting this kind of store you can save for the next season specially if you count with a list to make the shopping for the future

Searching out of season big deals is usually easy in the outlets because they count with a lot of sections where they put the cloths that are not on the season we are living and they use to it together with a very attractive price or discount.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

By On Thursday, February 09, 2017
Home this place that is present on more than 80% of the days in our life, this is the place where the major part of our life develops and by the way the place that is usually more affected for the routine. We use to live surrounded by the same colors, the same distributions and the same things for too much time.

And perhaps we usually never note, this constantly way of look affects our behavior and our humor at home, especially on seasons like winter where being at home is most frequently than ever, and why not? When the spring is coming soon this could be the perfect time to prepare your house for the rest of the year.


Making some exciting and new changes on it that will give a new look to the place you live and by the way a new point of view for your family. On this idea you should begin with the common areas at home, here there are included, the living room, dining room, kitchen and the patio.

Of course the patio has to be the last, especially if you live in a place who is still victim of snowing days. To start making the changes you can begin with the most common places of all the living room, here a change of color and furniture distribution use to be enough, but of course this change of color could involve new paintings on the wall specially if you have some ones in the attic.

Your kitchen could need even more attention than dining and living room, especially if you are considering a change of colors there or a new topic for decoration, here you need to test the ideas before you put them in action.

Did you know the app clue?

By On Thursday, February 09, 2017
There are more and more apps jumping to the market everyday but not all the programs for women are well considered useful, special for those matters that only concern with our nature, and is precisely on this matter that clue app is in the market, a completely program designed to give you accurate and useful information about your menstruation period.

Clue is an app designed to register and provide a considerable precisely control around all your cycle, with this program you can predict your menstruation days, see the weeks you are fertile and by the way get accurately information to be better those days where the pain is more high.

The idea with the develop of this mobile program is to provide you basic and advanced information with few data entries, the program will ask you about the last date of your menstruation and also will require you some answers to basic question, the results returned on information will surprise you a lot.

Clue can even tell you about your preferences around food, according to your hormonal situation every day of the month, by the same way this program is also used for the women who want to get pregnant because is very accurate to predict the best times for fertility. 

So here you have on your hands a program excellent for you on every time of your life and that will help you to know you better, that’s why is personally recommend you to get this program on your mobile now, and keep yourself using it.

Of course there are some other programs in the market, but clue is one of the original ones and of course it comes with the developers’ compromise who want to be on the top of this kind of mobile apps.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What to do with this extra energy after a light day of work

By On Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Light days at work are the opposite to the heavy days, and maybe they could sound rare to mention but no matter how few they could be in your life they really exist, and if we take on action the phrase that says we need to use the time well, light days at work are really perfect to do some extra activities after our schedule there ends.

To us our energy well we need to change the bear chip on our mind that tell us to work and then no matter how much energy we have go straight to home and rest, this is the natural law of a bad routine, and the idea here in this new year is to radically change it in a better way. So on the following lines we will review what could you do with this energy on your time out of work.

First let’s review how is your exercise routine, the idea is to give your body some extra benefits of being out of work with good feelings and for this you just need to focus on do something different with your exercise routine this days, you can begin by going to walk in a different place than usual.

Or to planning a friend’s exercise reunion with your closer ones after work in a different a good place, you can choose natural environment and go hiking to a mountain trial, go along the beach, or just take a trial around the forest, all you need to do is combine something different with well company and put your energy to work.

Music to relax after a heavy day of work

By On Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Heavy days at work are more frequently than we use to note, especially on winter the perfect season to be low and feeling easy tired of almost everything around us including the work of course, on this truly facts looking for something different could pass by the fantasy ideas of being in another place, like an island on the Caribbean, or working somewhere else, etc.

But when we discover that this idea is impossible for now, our fantasies became a kind of torture objects and our finally emotional state becomes worst than before, and this is usually the rule after a heavy day of work, we want to go outside the world but the world is still behind us getting present on almost every image that comes to our mind.

So if you don’t have enough money or time to go out on a cruise to the Caribbean, or to pay an entire day at the spa, why not try to change something on the environment? And you can do it with music, maybe the cheapest alternative, but let me tell you that is more effective than you can imagine specially on this extra heavy day.

For this music therapy you can use your tablet, laptop, or even your cellphone, and plug it with a bigger equipment if you want more sound effects, and then look on the web for relaxing classical music, deep house music, Bossa nova jazz music or even harp music. These 4 categories are perfect for almost any preferences and by the way they are extremely effective to relax yourself.

Music can make the difference at the end of the day and if you can set the environment around your way at home you will be more relaxed than ever at the end of the day.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Things that will help you on a car accident

By On Saturday, February 04, 2017
Having a car accident is a serious possibility that we should consider every year, on real facts and data car accidents are more and more common every day by the hand that car population use to rise on the nation, at the same way our worries use to ignore this possibility. Some data says that we are most worry to have an airplane accident during the year than considering to be prepare in case of a car accident.

To prevent and face a car accident you will need more than insurance, on the first stage you need to check out if you have all the security elements inside the vehicle, by this idea you need to check the seat belts well condition and airbags, having airbags inside the car is important to minimize the impact effects, and if you are going to buy a new car you can look for those who has airbags on the sides.

A second preventing measure pass by the hand of recording, having an insurance policy is usually not enough to prove that you are not guilty on an accident and even police can make mistakes on their report according to what they see. Is important to buy a car camera in order to record and have a register of what happens.

Car cameras had been the keys to proving innocence even on the most complicated accidents, and invest on one of this equipment is very important to have an extra coverage in case of legal troubles. 

Finally, the next thing you should do in order to prevent car accidents this year, is to design your daily route, on this point you need to try avoid heavy interceptions.

New times for women’s business

By On Saturday, February 04, 2017
We are facing new times on almost everything and business are not the exception on what could be considered the new era on the centuries third decade beginning, and for particulars this is great because a new gate of business is opening and by the way new kinds of opportunities are just at the corner, including for women like you and me.

If we can mark something important and that define the business time we live is the social media, and the way we look for information these days. Right now the people use to look for something new and a completely and personality new way of contact with the stores, all of this combined with the extreme use of social networks platforms by the internet.

And is using this that you can also move through the creation of a new business just by using your ideas and offering a product that could be just information by the use of the social media on this time, some of the greatest examples of small enterprises directly manager for women raised from a social network profile and with the use of a cellphone camera.

On this topic the things that remains the same on this time are the rule who say that you need to bring something new to the market, no matter if we are talking about cloths, kitchen receipts or just information, the people will always demand something new, and are innovation the engine behind successful on this day.

This innovation factor comes not as we used to learn on the past, with the figure of high investments and money, these days’ innovation is more creativity than advanced resources or money.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Taking the best car insurance

By On Tuesday, January 31, 2017
A new year had begun and of course a new time to make insurance contract had started, and by the way the need of find the accurate insurance for your vehicle, and here on this yearly task the word accurate comes usually defined by the term cheap. And this is precisely what we look on our car insurance every single year.

By this moving idea some people use to change every year the insurance company that provides vehicle coverage, just in order to reach some promotions that new companies and even old ones use to make in order to catch new clients every year.

But is this way of acting right? Is the cheapest insurance the best for us?

Of course the answer on both question is no. and on the way specially if you had required to use your insurance on the past is easy to note that cheap is not always the accurate specially when we talk about coverage, and help on the road. Sometimes cheap insurance is great to accomplish the legal compromise of have one for your vehicle, but without any other use even when you have an accident.

Some cheap insurances come also with cheap conditions and very few benefits at the time you may need them. So the advice here is to consider the uses you could need about the coverage according to the regular use you give to the vehicle itself. By doing this you can figure out the accident probabilities and the resources you may need on the coverage.

Road assistance, transportation service, and also a legal help in case of accident are elements that should be present on our policy when we contract an insurance coverage for our vehicle.

New options with your same cloth

By On Tuesday, January 31, 2017
We use to get angry and frustrated when we have to use the same cloths every single day without the actual possibilities of renew them because we are out of budget or money for the regular spends in the month, winter is the perfect example of this situation, and by the way the time when we need more creativity to get dressed during the heaviest cold days.

So what we can do with the same cloths and the non-exiting feelings of looking for a new combination when possibilities are so limited?

Well the answer of course starts to find the motivation, and you can get it by seeing that even with so few options on cloth pieces’ numbers, you can find combinations that will result so attractive and originals at the same time, sets that will bring you a fresh air without spending too much on the stores for new cloth elements.

One of the things that will surely help you in this situation are the cloth’s accessories, hats, cloths, etc. all the elements we use on the cold days comes too on live colors and great decoration tones and contrast who will add a new air to the same cloths we use all the week. And the best thing comes with the fact of the cheap price around accessories.

So you just need to find here what you have and see also what you can get to start making new combination and design some cloth’s sets for the rest of the winter days. By doing this you will figure out how to win more options with the same elements and without being charging your credit card.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Spicy food and the common flue

By On Sunday, January 29, 2017
Winter and spring are special times for common flue, by the hand almost all the seasons except for summer are environments where the cold or common flue can develop and affect several people at the same time, during this annoying sickness of course we start to fight against the virus by using common medicine, teas, and maybe you are those women who use to try with everything around.

One of this things that are part of the everything is the spicy food, at least it seems to bring us immediately relieve to congestion and to some of the symptoms that comes with this yearly disease, but is the spicy food as good as it seems to us? Does it really help or is a temporally feeling about sick relieve?

The answer comes with a yes, but is a conditioned one, food is good to partially relieve congestion during the cold but what it really helps on spicy food like the one who has Chile is to bring c vitamin to our body, spicy vegetable species are rich on this component and even more than an orange c vitamin is a big part of the components.

With this benefits of course you have to be careful, a lot of people use to take a lot of this kind of food when they have a cold and they just end bringing some other problems to their conditions, a moderate ingest of spicy food is good but too much can result on stomach irritation, and of course on the lost of the sense in the tong. 

So if you are getting through a cold condition this lasts days of winter, take care of you using accurate coverage, the right medicine, drink hot and natural teas, and some spicy food, when you feel more congestion.

Some Asian spicy food

By On Sunday, January 29, 2017
Mexican is not the only kind of spicy food and no matter if you just hang out to an Asian restaurant or if you are visiting an entire country in a long distance journey, spicy food in this continent can really surprise you at the same time that it can also result spicier than the common Mexican food we use to know.

That’s why some of the first tips you should follow during your visit to a restaurant and of course when you travel to a nation in the continent, is to learn and ask about the food and its taste, all in order to avoid have a not necessary surprise when you will be eating your first meal or during an important date.

This situation is so common specially on foods like the traditional Hindu kitchen, the food on this totally unique way of cooking is even more spicy than probably everything that you had tasted before, that’s why a lot of people use to get surprise and affected by the intense spicy sense of some traditional dishes in India.

On the same hand nations like Thailand and Singapore, are famous to have their own kitchen traditions, where the spicy is present on several of the most famous dishes of this nations, including those who has fish as one of the ingredients. 

For you is important to know how spicy the food could be just before order, especially if you are not a spicy fan, you can ask for a taste or information during your selection and of course if you are in other country please look to eat your first meal on a place with English speaker, or just hang out with some friends who live there.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to live with several dogs

By On Thursday, January 26, 2017
Pets are great, and dogs are one of the most beautiful pets at all, at least that’s what a major part of us thinks about, but when you start to living with them some duties and situations can take you out of mind, and of course if you are living or passing a time on others people’s house with several dogs at the same time you can get on difficulties.

Living with several dogs could be easy or hard directly depending on two factors, first is the space and here is when we have to consider the house dimensions and how is it divided, living with several dogs in a house with a big back yard Is not so hard or annoying because there is enough space for all.

In the opposite hand of this situation when you live with several dogs inside the house here is when the things can result surprise impossible or at least upset for you. That’s why if you are talking about you house and the pets your kids want to have, if the space and budget is limited you need to stablish some direct rules about the quantity of pets.

The second factor comes by the hand of the dog species, big dogs are usually more turbulent on small space because they feel stock too, small ones lives also better on reduced spaces, but when the quantity grows for more than two no matter the specie the things could result not comfortable for humans and dogs at the same time.

Dogs are amazing creatures and so great friends and family members, but when they find their selves with limited space and in crowded population they use to feel upset and sad too, that’s why is important to consider all this factors.

Budget for a pet?

By On Thursday, January 26, 2017
During those times where the resources are not precisely in abundance, we have to budget or at least planning everything that involves a spend, no matter how great or nice it could be, having anew family member involves duties and some of these duties come by the figure of resource you need to bring. 

That’s why a pet is not only the cost of buying it, is the cost of maintain and to bring the necessary elements in order to warranty the health, happiness and well condition on all the time, that’s why right before you buy a cat, a dog, bird or reptile, you need to find if you have the resources to provide all what this live creature needs.

The most common and also most deeply and worst mistake that as humans we use to committee is that we buy and get a lot of pet but we never consider the maintenance duties around them, and we find yourself out of budget and even out of space for them, so we end to make these animals suffer.

A good strategy for you if you are considering to get a pet on your home or your apartment start to considering the options by taking information about maintenance cost and environment needs on every specie you could want for pet. By doing this you are making a budget plan to have a pet and you will easy note who is more convenient for you.

Doing this is the best way to be sure that you are qualified to have the pet you want and this will permit you to start getting the resources you need for this new member.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Why you should rent a car with full insurance policy

By On Sunday, January 22, 2017
Insurance is also the topic we don’t take so seriously until we need it, and this is what it happens when we use to rent a vehicle, busy women like you and me probably rent more than three times a vehicle during the year specially by doing some business journeys and also some family travels.

Right now rent vehicles is present in our culture more than we usually note and there are even more operations of every single day of the week, but in the other hand the things that not go so well with this operation are the decisions of clients who also rode to save on what they don’t has to, the insurance policy.

The first thing you need to note about this kind of operation is that you are going to be driving a car that is not your property so the consequences about something unexpected happens to it can really result very expensive for you, especially when this vehicle gets stolen, or crashed. On this way of thinking is necessary to note that today’s probabilities are higher than never around this.

And here is when using a full coverage that can cost a little bit more than renting a car without it, can save you a lot of money when this fact happens without any sign, and of course can also save you a lot of time, because when something wrong with full coverage happens you just has to fill a police report and that’s it. In the other hand without coverage things can go really different and bad for you and your trip.

So reading this I hope you note that take the full coverage of the insurance when you rent a car is the best and nor avoidable option for you and your partners.

Why you need a travel insurance

By On Sunday, January 22, 2017
Travel insurance is constantly offered to us when we planned a trip or buy some fly tickets, but right before you delete the offer from your computer all the call you received at home you need to think seriously about it, why there is these product? And of course what are their real benefits to our life and journey?

Travel insurance are specific important when we are going to travel outside the country specially for the following topics, health, economy and of course security, the first one comes to the possibility to have properly access into a health system outside the nation without expending a lot of money that is usually what happen with the ones without properly coverage.

On the same way a travel insurance that could be classified as complete will bring coverage even with some big operations that you could need on the time you will be traveling into other countries, this is basically in case of any accident and un expected disease you can suffer while you are outside.

The next aspect that comes with the word economy is explained by it self just by taking the point of perhaps it is an expend it can really save you a lot of money in case you need it, so it is really a great value and an offer you should consider take right before you fly away, and on the same hand the economy can result properly even without any accident.

Imagine for a while that you need to go to the dentist on your journey because you get some paint or damage, well insurance will cover you and you will not have to spend nothing. And on last position security is always necessary specially when we know the risk of traveling, and no matter what having and insurance brings the security of a coverage in case of many situations that can happen.
