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Monday, January 16, 2017

How to handle the memories of your last relationship?

Memories can be something really painful, they seem to follow us everywhere at any time they use to come also with not expectation and of course the pain the can bring to our mind or hearts whatever you use to prefer call, is so similar with the one we have when we get burned.

Of course with this I’m directly making reference to memories we have related with persons that are no longer with us, relatives or friends that passed away and of course the memories of a finished relationship with someone. This last topic is the one I want to touch these day on this few letters in order to trying bring you a hand on these situations.

The first thing we need to note on this area is that memories are unavoidable and we can just erase anything from our mind by the use of a button as usually happen with a computer, our mind is full of memories that are going to follow us forever, so the deal is not try to forget, is to learn how to live with memories.

And with it I have to tell you that painful memories or missing memories gets lower and not so painful by the running of time, when we add more time factor to memories they get less painfully than the first time we had them, of course during the first year the memories can seems to be increasing the pain on our mind but right after the year they should decrease. 

When memories come you can face them not fighting against sadness but just focusing on what happened and why this thing past, after see again the reasons of how it ends you can start facing memories just by taking the good things and pushing away the unreal tendency of make your relationship a utopia that never existed.
