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Friday, January 20, 2017

Tips to handle your social network

By On Friday, January 20, 2017
A correct manage of your social networks starts to make them private and not public, unless that you are an artist, in case of what you should have a personal profile that is private and a public one. By making a private profile on social networks no matter the name you are protecting your self instantly from hackers and other users who can use your image to make damage.

Another useful tip of a social network management is to deactivate the instantly upload of pictures and videos from your cellphone or tablet, this kind of action perhaps that are available on your mobiles are not recommended because they put you out of control of what you share and what you don’t, and as you should note not all the videos and pictures should be uploaded on the internet.

On the next line of tips, we find the rule of keep away your profile information of any pages or non-trustable link that ask you this data, there malicious websites and pages that comes also with some mobile applications or rewards that demands your profile data, and this is a tramp in order to hacker and get into profile and personal information.

Finally, we get into the contacts, and this is the most common place or topic to find troubles on social networks as I told you first, have a private account is basic and choose your contacts straight from people that you know is the next step if you want to keep yourself out of problems with not trusting people.

A correct management of social networks will be very helpful for you and to a secure enjoy of the environment without any trouble or angry.

Tips to find your ideal job

By On Friday, January 20, 2017
Find the ideal job is like being in a quest to find the holy grail, you know that it exists but is almost a kind of fantasy to find it, and on this way we can also spend our entire life just by changing from a work to other without finding this one we desire since we were on college or high school.

The reason?

Well perhaps there are more circumstances to consider on this topic and we will see it, being working without know what we really want or what kind of job we really desire to do on our life is usually the first obstacle to find the right place we need, and by the way is usually the problem behind the way we threat our working career just jumping from one place to another.

Getting into more deeply aspects of it we will find that sometimes our problems to find the job we want starts since the career we study on college or that we prepare for, sometimes the path we take was not the one we dream or the one we wished. This fact can be the base of a non-well life at work.

At the same hand a common aspect that comes frequently with it is that we take the jobs, careers and places that other tells us to do and not the one who our heart and minds were inclined to take, as example of it is a woman who took business and not medicine because their parents push het to do that.

If you are still right before 60 years old, let me tell you that never is too late to change your job and your career, and even if you are women with more age, is not too late to make a turn and find something you really want. You just need to find by yourself these desire and dreams that where hided by the time.

Visit Verona one of Europe’s most romantic places

By On Friday, January 20, 2017
Italy is one of the most visited countries of Europe every year, and of course the first places where almost every one use to go are Venice, Rome and of course the beautiful city of Florence, but even after visited all these enchanted and romantic cities including Paris at France we can even go to Europe and miss one of the most romantic places.

Do you remember the famous tale of Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare’s masterpiece? Well this history is located into a city of Italy knew on this time and now to be one of the most beautiful sceneries for a romantic tale, and this place is Verona.

This old city of Italy will invade you with the feeling of love right after get into her, is like being surrounded by thousands of tales and hundreds of possibilities of a new one. Verona is also knowing to be one of the love capitals, and a live place for tales, including some others a part the most famous tale of Romeo and Juliet.

Visiting Verona should be come for a time to walk on its old streets and visiting the palace and castles who are located there, by following the signs you can find some great histories and living also the places that William Shakespeare used on the famous masterpiece.

Verona is a city that more than being visited has to be lived and for it you should go apart of any tour and take the journey with calm and enjoy exploring all the places by your own effort and without any pressure. That’s why this is a city that is perfect for a romantic journey or one you relative do it alone to find yourself.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tips to find your balance

By On Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Find the appropriate balance for our body is not an easy task by the way it could be a test and mistake trial that can also bring us the opposite of health if we don’t handle properly the ways we take, that’s why specially on the advanced ages that find our balance is vital to live a healthy life and also to bring some sickness possibilities behind the line.

On the first place you need to know what means to find a balance on your, balance here means to be on right weave, right nutrition, and of course being in a right routine, of course this last word involves also to have some regular exercises that can bring you the movements a position your body need to muscle recover.

Finding this aspect and living them is the best way to have a healthy and long life, and if we look at the statistics we will find how common are the sickness on those people who never had a balance or count with one.

By the way a balance is an aspect that has to be searched since we are young so no matter your age finds the balance as quick as you can be basically for your next years of life, that’s why we can say that never is too late and never is too early to start.

On the topics about the food and weave, the balance should be find on the presence of your daily nutrient spend and on the food schedule you use, having a good breakfast cholesterol low, combined with a good and healthy lunch and a light dinner are the common receipts to have and find your balance quickly.

On the next stage the exercises should come combined in at least one and a half hour daily, this will allow to get on your ideal weave and of course to reach a healthy condition.

Tips to clean the kitchen

By On Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The kitchen is one of these places at home that takes more than a half percent of the time we spend on cleaning, by the way is the place that usually gets more dirty every day even more than bathrooms or bedrooms, the reason? Food, and cooking, these two words define how and why kitchen is this central place for cleaning activities every day at home.

The true is that sometimes kitchen becomes a kind of torture for women who every day has to cooking, pick up, clean and clean again during the night and all just to let the kitchen ready to be dirty again on a few hours later, but does it has to be like this all the time, the answer is not, and with a few good tips you can keep your kitchen clean and shiny without too much effort.

So let’s begin with how we use the things on kitchen, sometimes us and our family usually takes and use more than the things they need for example using more dishes forks and glasses than the ones they need this fact makes more dirty and of course means more work, so by implementing the rule of us one kitchen object and not extra ones you will be able to save.

On the second tip there comes the control on how the kitchen is use, and by this way there should be the rule of thing used thing washed including on the dinner, breakfast, lunch or meal, by establishing the law of every one cleans his or her dishes, forks, spoons and knife used, you will be divided the work of cleaning.

After all of these you can also distribute the task of cleaning the kitchen by date and time in order to share responsibility and at the same time create some consciences about kitchen use.

The risk of search friends by internet

By On Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Meet some new people, make some new friends and of course to expand our social circle is usually a goal that we find every year, and of course is not bad at all, the only problem about this idea is when we use to take some places to search them including internet. Telling you this I can`t deny the fact that internet had served us to find good people but in the other hand there is a negative factor.

Internet serves for malicious people as the perfect mask to hide what they really are and what they really want, that’s why is not strange that a lot of murders, rapes and robbery started by internet from people who use the trusting and well desires of others to win their trusting and friendship and after it use this as a base for their crimes.

If you look on the pages and advices from authorities around the world all of them recommend to save and be really reserved with your personal information on internet, including by the social networks who use to be the places where the worst people try to catch their victims.

That’s why some good advices to find and make friends by the web is first put your accounts and profile as privates and then add only the people that your friends or persons that you know treat them.

This rules can sound so bored at the beginning but are vital on the social networks environments, and if you use to go into chat rooms remember to keep your data and social networks apart of it, and don’t give the address to anyone who ask you.

Some good advices to clean the bathroom

By On Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The bathroom is a place that usually represent a lot of work on cleaning and of course as you should note the clean of these place goes beyond the beauty is about health and by the way do this work constantly is usually difficult specially if you are a busy woman and there are several people living and using it with you.

So what could you do to make things better on this topic and save time?

Well the first advice around it comes from the word divide, here you need to divide the bathroom around the parts it has, and stablish some regularity about how often you will clean every part, and of course here the most often ones are the toilet and the sink including the mirror and the floor.

The less frequency cleaning is the bathtub but with this word I’m meaning that you can clean it every two weeks instead the other parts that should be clean every five or 4 days as maximum. By stablishing this you can clean the bathroom by parts and by the way save time on spending too much time cleaning it when the bathroom accumulates dirty.

Another tip to clean it quickly and safety is to use filters on the bathtub water exit and the sink in order to catch hair that is usually responsibly of obstruction and make some dirty around the things on the bathroom, by doing this you should believe me that you will find more easy the cleaning task.

A final tip goes around the toilet and its part remember to clean more than the circle, and put some special attention into the water button, because this is one of the parts that use to accumulate more dirty.

Quick remedies to deal with backaches

By On Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Aches are more common this times specially promoted for our way of life, when we work, study and even make a lot of activities we use to be seated or on a position that is not well enough for our body and its general structure, as you can see this way of live every day brings its own consequences like the back aches.

Of course frequent presence of a back ache can be also a sign that there is something more serous happening and when it happens you should go for a visit with your doctor in order to make some test and see if something is going bad, on the same way the common back ache that comes from sedentary position can be faced by doing some activities even without taking pills.

The first tip to deal with it is to lay down on the floor with your head up and all your body straight forming a line, with the floor as a hard structure your column has to be in line again and it can recover from the paint effects of being flexed for a long time. In the same had resting for a while (30 minutes) on this position is great also for your body to recover.

In the other hand there is the exercise, and here i`m not talking about being in a gym of course if this is possible is good too, with this word i`m talking about regular and basic exercises like at least one hour of walking and some minutes of running, combined with some basic flexions every day.

This daily routine can help you more than you can imagine to deal and heal the common backache and even the headache promoted by these way of living.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Problems on social networks?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Social networks are the base of the way we communicate on these decades and at the same way they can really become a headache specially when somethings run out of our control, on this time there are a lot of social and mental problems directly related with the social networks activity.

There are people who also tried to suicide themselves after had a problem or some critics from other people on social networks, relationships had ended and of course a lot of problems may happen by every day on this virtual environment, and of course all these facts can make social networks sounds as an enemy.

But let me tell there are not, and if we look into the base of these problems the common factor we can find there is bad handle of these environment and the profiles inside it, by the way the people we add and the things we make public are only our decision that’s why the problems we could find here has the common base of us as principal cause.

After note this you may be handling a problem right now with a network, so let me give some general advices that will be useful for you. If you are on pressure from one or several people request you can use the terms of social network management to block them and reject them to send you request.

If you upload something you don’t want it, the first thing you need to do is to delete it, after it you can erase comments and the people who hurt you with their words from your friend list or your profile contacts, if the damage is too much you can close the account and after wait two or three weeks open a new one.

Language you should consider to learn

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Idioms, we use to think about them when we planning to travel somewhere outside or just when we are interested on the culture of some country or in someone from these places, by the way learn and speak other language beyond the social use you may think about it can open you the door for a lot of possibilities.

Even beyond your studies language is a perfect complement for your career no matter your area or field of work, on the same hand knowing more than one language can also be at your favor in order to reach a higher position on work, or a traveling one.

Companies use to high and take for better positions the people who use to know more than one language, so this is great if you are thinking to work in a big company and even if you not, languages can also open you the door to make business around the world.

So let’s see the principal ones you should consider to learn during your life according with these goals.

The first one I should list is the Spanish, by the way is not an easy language because it has to many changes on verbs and expression sometimes, but at the same time is the second most speaker language, and learn it open the gate to deal with a whole continent.

On the second one Chinese or mandarin is the next idiom you should consider for your career, right on top above Italian and French, this is the language of business and of course is usually the hardest one but at the same time is the most useful.

Right behind this cases we can find the Japanese language, that is not as complicated than Chinese, perhaps of this is difficult and is still a basic idiom for business in this age.

How to keep your house always clean and beauty?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Sounds impossible right? Especially when we live with kids and our family members are more than two, and even if you are single or only you and your husband, keep home clean and beauty all the time is like a utopia, everyone wants it but is near impossible or a fantasy to accomplish.

But after all things can be better and keep your house clean could be more effective and near to this principle than ever just by following some good tips to make it and to keep it along the days and routine.

All starts by the most important and the center of the daily work at home, the kitchen, this vital place gets dirty every single day of the week and keep it clean can result very hard unless you divide functions here, by stablishing some rules about how to handle the food and the clean of the dishes and instruments they use, you can keep this big part of your house cleaning without too much efforts.

On the second hand we find bathrooms and this places tells more about us than we usually note, to keep clean this places you need to divide them on sections and clean the most used ones with regularity.

Living room, this is the place where our kids use to play and the rest of us use to see tv, surfing on internet or just rest together, and here is when dirty comes, kids left their toys being and when we use to eat or use something device we left them spread on the area. Changing this way of act by rules is the first step to keep this common places clean.

How to heal your face after burns?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Get our face burned is usually more common than we can imagine and when it gets frequently we even live without nothing this condition on our skin, the face is one of the most sensitive part of the skin that is daily expose to damage including sun burns, and of course even the burns that some products can cause to it.

And right before try to use some products to heal it, the first thing you should do is to identify what affects it and what also regular burn your face skin, for first you have to go after note if your face is daily expose without any protection to the sun, if its and is very probably that it is you have to look for a daily effective sun protector, a cream that will protect your skin from daily burns.

After it is time to review if there are some other topics that affect your skin, especially those who comes from the daily products you use to wash it, one of these specially is the soap, sometimes we are allergic to the soap components we use to wash our face and these ones comes to partially burn and bring some dry to our face skin.

If it happens with you, then is time to suspend your regular soap use and go after another one with new components that can bring a different reaction for your skin. By protecting your face with this basic remedies you will be doing a lot for your face and by the same hand you will ten foots ahead into the way to have a perfect skin.

Finally, your skin face has to be protected if you are exposed constantly into the hot temperatures of a kitchen and bake machines.

How to handle the memories of your last relationship?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Memories can be something really painful, they seem to follow us everywhere at any time they use to come also with not expectation and of course the pain the can bring to our mind or hearts whatever you use to prefer call, is so similar with the one we have when we get burned.

Of course with this I’m directly making reference to memories we have related with persons that are no longer with us, relatives or friends that passed away and of course the memories of a finished relationship with someone. This last topic is the one I want to touch these day on this few letters in order to trying bring you a hand on these situations.

The first thing we need to note on this area is that memories are unavoidable and we can just erase anything from our mind by the use of a button as usually happen with a computer, our mind is full of memories that are going to follow us forever, so the deal is not try to forget, is to learn how to live with memories.

And with it I have to tell you that painful memories or missing memories gets lower and not so painful by the running of time, when we add more time factor to memories they get less painfully than the first time we had them, of course during the first year the memories can seems to be increasing the pain on our mind but right after the year they should decrease. 

When memories come you can face them not fighting against sadness but just focusing on what happened and why this thing past, after see again the reasons of how it ends you can start facing memories just by taking the good things and pushing away the unreal tendency of make your relationship a utopia that never existed.

How to handle and repair your bedroom disorder

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Our bedroom even if we are single or married the things here use to go straight to the disorder, and chaos, and this is a constantly effect of the way we use our bedroom and the time we use to take care about order and cleaning of it, as private place we use to keep some chaos around it that sometimes plays against us.

Had you ever lost something on the disorder sea of your room and spend a lot of time searching it? I’m sure that your answer is yes and even if we note it or not is the disorder the guilty behind these facts. So just before these sceneries will happen again why don’t you take some actions about it?

The first thing you should do in order to fight against the constantly disorder on your bedroom is to set a rule for you and for your husband, and this rule is so simple and at the same way is so effective if you apply it seriously and constantly, and it is put all the things on their place, don’t through cloths wherever they fall don’t use a bottle or an accessory and let this thing wherever you think.

All the things on your bedroom has to count with a specific place of order to be put and to stay there after being used, on the same way if you want to keep the order on your bedroom you have to focus on two basic things that has to be set all the time.

The first one is a specific place to put the dirty clothes for laundry, and here you can use to backs or boxes to classified the cloths to put them straight to the washer machine. And on second tip make your bed everyday will make a big part of the order here.

How to handle a distance love?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
Are in love with someone who lives far away from your location? If the answer is yes, you may find that is not always easy and by the way the distance can cause on both some feeling and fears about your relationship. 

All of this is because distance demands trust, and the not easy ability of wait, that’s why there are usually several problems with the distance and love, perhaps of this there are a lot of examples where distance instead of turn off the flame it increases it and became it a good love history.

A distance love making a separation between what you see on movies, demands a plan, you can stablish a relation and a love with some one who live far away without a plan on future, this plan should involve the desire of live together on future and stablish the actions, specific actions to do it.

Without a plan even if you feel really in love with this man, you are wasting your time because the relation ship in this case is like boat without direction and the end of living a love like this is to be hurt, because is condemned to end.

After the necessary plan both need to stablish and work realizing it for the future, a distance love is a good probe about how constantly our feelings are, and how we use to feel abbot each other through time.

Let me tell you some tip about distance relationships, surprise, giving you love one a surprise visit or a surprise present is great to keep the flame on and by the way to know each other better.

How to be sure that you are in love

By On Monday, January 16, 2017
This is a life basic question and the answer of course is the blurriest and not surely that you can find, by the hand love feelings specially the permanent ones can be frequently confused with just some temporally emotions about someone, somehow. Even the more strongest feeling you can have inside your mind can be teared down on the wall of time.

Being love sometimes is more a kind of decisions than a way of feeling and is a decision that is proved by time, perhaps of it being in love and here I’m meaning with the term really being in love goes beyond the feelings of like that we can have for somebody and is more the desire of live with this person your entire life.

By setting this kind of filter we will find that being in love involves usually more than the things we are sure to note on our feelings and that sometimes our most closer friend is the man we really love instead the one we use to like and think about him when we are in school, college or work.

The reason of course is the same deeply decision that our mind makes when you are thinking about future, by the way the temporally feelings about someone never pass the time prove, this time when you hang out with this guy and even start a relationship and you find yourself disappointed with his attitudes and behavior.

Finally, the deal is to note when you are really in love, when you find someone with you can share the rest of your life with and don’t lose he because your temporally feelings about other one.

Are you in love with someone you know only by internet?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017

Internet is a channel where we can make a lot of things, working, shopping and of course why not? Since so many years the web had been a place to meet new people and also find love, or make date, by the way there are now some new terms like virtual dates for example, and of course with the pass of time some new forms had make their jump.

One of these forms are the places to find love, dates, etc., there are even now social networks who are specialized on these area, and of course you can find everything about this kind of websites, including those to find sexual encounters. 

But perhaps a lot of people use to get into this places there are some risk that are always present specially on those people you know by the web and the first one is that internet is still a place for lies, including profile lies, on the same way the people you use to talk or even Feld in love could be not person he says he is.

And on the same time this circumstances involves risk, because even on real life know someone demands time to note who he really is, remember that on internet specially if you use to chat, you can’t really know is what you are catching of this person is true.

So the advice is to be careful and when you planning the first time so see each other be sure to choose a public place and not a private one, and before show your home or give your address you need to share with these people for at least one month seeing him on real life.

Are you disappointed with your life?

By On Monday, January 16, 2017

This question sometimes has noisy yes as a surely answer and by the way most part of the women are really disappointed with the life they live, no matter the age the disappointed feelings seems to be present all the time our life endures and is all because we finish living and doing things that are so far with the ones we dreamed on the first time.

To be disappointed there should be expectation in order to let our mind compare what we want or how we live with these basically fantasies or dreams of living, and this is where disappointment appears, so the question is how to fight against this, and let me tell you first that resignation is not the best medicine to deal with a life that makes you feel disappointed.

The first tip I can give you comes by the way to find what is missed or what you dreamed on the first time, by the way you have to set a filter in order to understand and also take away the child and nonrealistic dreams that you can also has like those who involves get married with a prince or something like that.

After it you will probably find more realistic and adjusted to possibilities desires that you can right after note them can start to work on accomplish a part or the totally of them. Search on your mind and set the properly actions to find and reach the dreams your forgot are quick medicines to end with the disappointed feelings.

Finally see your life from another and new perspective can also show that your way of living is not so bad and you can start to enjoy what you have and see how good it is.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

When write is better than speaking

By On Sunday, January 15, 2017
There are moments when words have to be written to be well expressed, of course on a modern society who is use to pushing us into a virtual world, write long message or even letters sound very antique and out of time, but on some occasions write a letter no matter if you print or send it by message is the best way to express what you have inside.

Some discussions we have push us to say things we also don’t want to say or express feeling who are completely wrong, words are easy to say and this is what usually push us into committee mistakes around the things we say, is easy hurt the people we love with the words we speak but is difficult to heal them form the things we mention.

So in order to avoid these consequences write is the best option, and for it you can take time, and this is the first advice take all the time you need to think and to express what you really feel, don’t write to quickly because you can make the same mistakes I mentioned before around say what you don’t want to say.

After think and write, please read it before send it of before giving the letter, even if you think carefully about your words, there are mistakes or ways of sound to the person who you want to talk that can be received into a completely wrong way just by an edition mistake, so review it can save you from these other kind of error.

Finally, when you deliver it don’t pressure for a quick answer, remember that goal of write is to express carefully and well what you feel, from your side and from other part’s side.

Tips to travel in south America

By On Sunday, January 15, 2017
Is usually the most nearly regions we have, but at the same time is a completely and interesting different part of the world, south America itself has several countries and everyone has its own history, its own traditions and represent a completely different environment to choose, perhaps of this this zone of the planet has a lot of different natural places to explore and we can say that every nation has its own natural treasure to show.

On the same way we can find also a very high diversity of historic and archeological patrimony, that of course it combined with the first factors I mentioned makes this part of the American continent an obligatory destiny to visit.

South America counts with a huge major of Spanish speakers, we can also say that is precisely the Hispanic culture the one that influence the major part of the continent, in the other hand there are other two well differenced languages on the region the second one is Portuguese, represented by brazil and the next one is Papiamento a language form that combine the English, Spanish and Netherlands language.

And is on this specific topic that comes a great part of the tips to travel on south America, the idiom is a factor that you need to consider all the time, and even if you know a little bit of Spanish it will be not enough to understand people there, especially because a lot of them speaks it very fast.

On the same way you can’t plan a travel without consider the factor of transportation, and about it is also necessary to remember that security goes first, on the major part of the south American nations there are taxi services, the advice here is only to pick up the ones who are official and not go around and pick one without a company name at the front or at the sides of the vehicle.

Tips to save money and increase your account amount

By On Sunday, January 15, 2017

Save, the whole word means a lot when we talk about goals and to reach those dreams we usually have on urn mind for years, save money is a word that sounds pretty easy to speak but at the same time is the perfect example of something hard to reach in actions, by the way our behavior is usually pushing us to buy more and at the same way to spend more all the time.

This way of living is the one who is usually behind our financial situation, right now on this same year a lot of citizen are very closer to be on bankruptcy condition, who means that their debts are very high above their incomes so they can’t pay and of course their way of living is going to be changed forever.

The goal with the word save is to get some capital or patrimony, and this like a plant demands attention, time and of course some sacrifice from you on every single day and of course on every spend you make. If your goal is to make a capital the first thing you need to do is to cut you spends and this is the first tip.

To make this you need to build a list of every single spend you make on a month and see what of these is not necessary or its not basic, put them a side because is time for you to start saving by cutting them taking these spends out of your budget. 

In the other hand planning is the best way for a long term save, ad for this you need to calculate your necessary spends and invest time looking for economy on those items, by these you will figure out at the end of the month that your amount on bank’s account is growing.
