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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Did you know the app clue?

There are more and more apps jumping to the market everyday but not all the programs for women are well considered useful, special for those matters that only concern with our nature, and is precisely on this matter that clue app is in the market, a completely program designed to give you accurate and useful information about your menstruation period.

Clue is an app designed to register and provide a considerable precisely control around all your cycle, with this program you can predict your menstruation days, see the weeks you are fertile and by the way get accurately information to be better those days where the pain is more high.

The idea with the develop of this mobile program is to provide you basic and advanced information with few data entries, the program will ask you about the last date of your menstruation and also will require you some answers to basic question, the results returned on information will surprise you a lot.

Clue can even tell you about your preferences around food, according to your hormonal situation every day of the month, by the same way this program is also used for the women who want to get pregnant because is very accurate to predict the best times for fertility. 

So here you have on your hands a program excellent for you on every time of your life and that will help you to know you better, that’s why is personally recommend you to get this program on your mobile now, and keep yourself using it.

Of course there are some other programs in the market, but clue is one of the original ones and of course it comes with the developers’ compromise who want to be on the top of this kind of mobile apps.
