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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What to do with this extra energy after a light day of work

Light days at work are the opposite to the heavy days, and maybe they could sound rare to mention but no matter how few they could be in your life they really exist, and if we take on action the phrase that says we need to use the time well, light days at work are really perfect to do some extra activities after our schedule there ends.

To us our energy well we need to change the bear chip on our mind that tell us to work and then no matter how much energy we have go straight to home and rest, this is the natural law of a bad routine, and the idea here in this new year is to radically change it in a better way. So on the following lines we will review what could you do with this energy on your time out of work.

First let’s review how is your exercise routine, the idea is to give your body some extra benefits of being out of work with good feelings and for this you just need to focus on do something different with your exercise routine this days, you can begin by going to walk in a different place than usual.

Or to planning a friend’s exercise reunion with your closer ones after work in a different a good place, you can choose natural environment and go hiking to a mountain trial, go along the beach, or just take a trial around the forest, all you need to do is combine something different with well company and put your energy to work.
