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Saturday, January 14, 2017

South America’s best islands

By On Saturday, January 14, 2017

South America is a region full of places that deserve the effort of visit, places that could be on your mind forever, and this true is especially real when we talk about beaches, right now this part of the American continent has what so many writers said the perfect scenery of the paradise.

The Caribbean Sea is the best images of tropical regions, its warm waters make possible amazing environments where plants, sands and mountains can be combined to give born excellent and unique islands everyone with its own essence of the Caribbean. By the way right now and perhaps the political problems there are so many destinies that you can visit.

On this way we have to divide south America on the countries that it contains and by the hand divide them on the ones who has the best islands to visit, so on the north we can find Colombia, Venezuela and the nations of the Guyana’s, every nation here counts with its own islands chain, the most popular ones here are those located on Colombia and Venezuela.

From these first group of options I should result one that is not well knew because it popularity is recently growing, Los Roques are a group of small islands located just at the east of Venezuela, they are part of its territory, the beaches here are a true paradise.

The sands look brilliant under the shiny tropical sun that is always present in this spectacular environment, plants and small hotels combines perfectly to make you feel in other region of the world that runs completely apart of what we can describe as conventional.

Of course apart of these amazing group of islands there are the highly popular places of big islands like Aruba and Curacao with makes together with other excellent places like Barbados, Bonaire, etc., the amazing region of the Caribbean Sea.

How to obtain a healthy and pretty hair?

By On Saturday, January 14, 2017

This is usually one of the most searched questions on the internet around women topics and for it you can find a really big group of advice from any kind of ideas you can imagine, of course inside of these group of answer there are a lot of false ones including those who could make a deep damage on your skin and hair.

So the goal here in this few words it brings you few but good advices to keep and reach a pretty hair without spending too much or by doing crazy things like those who recommends some things who can be irritating and abrasive like vinegar. 

Let’s start with your daily shampoo the advice here is to have more than one and combine them using the first on one day and the second for next day, the idea with these simple action of alternate the shampoo is to keep your hair away to develop allergic or neutral results from the active components of the shampoo you use.

Well nutrition means also great hair too, on this second easy tip your nutrition is so important for your hair too, so increase carrots and other good vegetables on your daily foods, add fruits also on naturally presentation for your daily consume too, the natural components of these items brinks health to your hair and color too.

Avoid the use of hair colors who could contain ammoniac, and other abrasive components like alcohol or acids, these products could bring very bad results on long term for your hair including losing it by the time.

And a final tip is the one who comes from the iron using, the tip is to avoid being ironing your hair every day because the continued use of these equipment makes the hair fibers weak and fragile by the time.

How to face the terror of being alone?

By On Saturday, January 14, 2017

There are fears who use to be with us until the time we face it, being alone is usually a fear that starts while we are kids and it reminds inside our minds until we face the time of being independent, this action is necessary for a normal way of growing and of course it means also the first steps to get into an adult mind.

Of course there are two ways that fear of being alone can be presented on human life, the first starts by parents or brothers dependency since we are kids, we get comfortable with the idea of having a constantly company and attention from them so we start to feeling afraid when we get alone for the first time.

The other way about how the fear of being alone can be presented pass by the figure of lost someone who had live with us for a long time, like a relative, and even a pet, here we spontaneity feel a fear that is combined with a deep sadness, and of course these second condition is more difficult than first one.

For the first one the fact of start doing the things by yourself and making some good moves alone every day, combining it with a good plan for your life are enough motivation to defeat and forget the fear of being alone, here you just break a tradition and your brain starts to think independent.

On the second case the things can result more difficult but there are not impossible, first you need to find task and design a routine who will not allow you to feel alone or to give a change for sadness to take control. Here you need to go on for some factors, including spiritual ones like search God and Pray, and doing some exercise routine, and by the way find time to meet new people and friends. 

Facing the darkness fear

By On Saturday, January 14, 2017

Is the most ancient fear we have as human race and at the same time is usually the first fear that comes to our mind when we are kids, being afraid of darkness is usually natural, but let me tell you that when it starts is promoted by some external factor. A nana’s history, a movie, a book or an image who can cause of the danger sensation we feel when we are afraid.

And this is the first factor that defines the word and the act of being afraid is the danger sensation, is a natural protection instinct who of course is there as a sensor but can be shoot for a mind image and our imagination.

By knowing what define the fear sensation we can also find the solution for it, and of course it starts to solve the fount of the danger fear about darkness, let’s make a stop here and note that I’m talking about darkness fear on people who had grown up, on kids this condition can be presented several times while they are on the first ten years of life.

During these time the fear problem can be solved by talking about what they imagine on darkness when lights turned off and by facing with reality the things around the fear usually decrease and finally disappear from them.

But what happen when we are adults and the fear is still there?

Well the remedy starts by facing the fear cause, as adults there could be traumas on your mind that you need to solve and for it the first thing you need to do is to be on the darkness, if you use to sleep with the lights on, then is time to turned off.

Try to be in the dark for at least five minutes and then turn them on again and see the reality, that there is nothing dangerous, repeat it and increase the time every week in order to get comfortable until you can sleep with the light off.

Discovering your goals in life

By On Saturday, January 14, 2017

We can’t spend our entire life without knowing what we want and as woman this is a mistake that you can’t permit on your life that is pressure and of course is limited on this world, our society had use to make us comfortable to live doing what other people tell us what is good but it doesn’t bring us enough help in order to find what we really want in life.

Discovering what you want could result difficult and it can happen that the answer for these questions demands time, time to think and time to measure the steps you need to follow, time to explore deeply and see what your heard really wants to do.

I rode a book long time ago that presented a simple but deeply question at the same time, it says imagine the time of your death, imagine that you are probably resting in a hospital bed leaving these world, looking behind, what you want to left on these world? What you want to had achieved at the end of your life? When people will remember you what you want they remember about your actions?

Of course the initial question of what you want to left behind divided on several ones, but try to imagine you seeing your life at the end of it is a good advice to find the goals you want to achieve, and when you get those goals like being a doctor, as an example or write books, or have a family the actions to achieve them is going to be brightly clear.

By using these questions, I finally found what I want to do with my life and I hope you can find it too, because life is also short to be wasted just walking around without direction.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Traveling to Spain

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Spain is one of the most spectacular countries of Europe and it can also surprise you with so many places who will probably enchanting you with the beauty, the culture, and of course why not? The food. Right Spain is one of the most popular and touristic countries of the whole European continent and its influence is expanding by the way of so many people use to classified the nation as one of most desire destinies.

Spain is the place of born of the whole Hispanic culture and a nation who is filled with historic elements and monuments everywhere you go that’s why on every corner you can find an interesting historic fact, a romantic tale, and a kind of mixture of several people who lived in the zone thousand years ago.

I guess this is what is love more from Spain this exiting sensation of being in a land where European kings lived combined with Arabic kingdoms, Romans, Greeks, Jews, all of them left a clear legacy on every corner of the country and also made the most special monuments that identify every city here.

Of course as it passes on every European country Spain is not only fill with old things and monuments, is also a modern nation with two principal capitals Madrid and Barcelona, surrounded also with several cosmopolitan cities who give the modern touch to these enchanting nation.

Right now Spain is also giving its own modern legacy through soccer, the national sport, and by these way is worldwide considered as one of the soccer capitals of the planet, that’s why a visit to Spain involves get in touch with this discipline who is present everywhere here.

Visit Spain is not too much expensive and no matter if you count with a limited budget you can also plan a travel just by using the good tools that internet provides in order to fit your budget and enjoy the nation.

Meaning of the different colors of your blood

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Blood can tell so much about us, that’s why on medicine there are several kinds of blood test, including those directly related with pregnancy, and the evaluation around the levels of defense of your body, our blood is the liquid in charge to transportation oxygen, nutrients, and of course the soldiers in duty of our defense around all our body.

So if there is an infection or any problem present, our blood will also show a different color or grade of red, and of course the components that contain it will be different or far away from the normal proportion your body needs on regular condition.

The goal of these article is to give a brief description of blood colors and of course I have to tell you that a full interpretation of it will directly depend of a medical examination, so let’s move on with the first and basic signs of your blood. And of course the first topic is the place where it come from.

As woman we periodically lost blood but of course these kind of blood we lose around the menstruation period, is usually different on aspect and color than the normal one, so on the first time the only sign that something goes wrong there is if the blood you lose is extremely dark or brown and its combined with some mucosa.

In the other hand when you suffer a cut or see your regular blood, if it is extremely clear it means that your body is probably out of balance and needs more nutrients and vitamins, a deep red blood is usually the best sign that your levels are ok.

Making a useful box recycle

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Boxes, they are present everywhere and on almost every shop we make, especially when we get a computer, cellphone, keyboard, tv, radio, etc., all the device we use come with a box, and perhaps you can use to put them into the recycle container, you could probably be being losing some useful functions for they at home.

Of course here in this article I’m not making reference to the big ones, those big boxes are really better on the recycle contained than at your home, but medium and small ones can be used with a completely new goal and can be very useful too.

The deal here is to use the box’s basic structure and add some pain to it, especially if you are going to keep it in your room or kitchen, on the internet there are so god examples and special designs you can make to the box you recycle to make containers.

A good use to medium or small box is to be the tool that will contain all you make up, tools, and even instrument of working at the office, all by the way that they use to be the perfect instrument to keep a save the things we daily use.

By redirecting a box use you can reduce the disorder around your home, and even with our kids, a medium box could be the perfect storage to save their toys and avoid and by the way to give them several options to save and keep them prefer toys in order around home.

Without spending any cent, you can decorate the toys box you are going to make with their favorite characters of movies or cartoons and make it more attractive to them.

Is impossible to visit the Maldives?

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

This question could be translated as if it’s impossible to visit paradise? There is no better concept than paradise than the Maldives islands, and is all because these island chain is perfectly located on the best zones of the planet, for weather, warm waters and a calm sea that gives them this images of the perfect paradise to spend a vacation time or honeymoon.

And the people of Male knows this attributes very well, right now the islands are full touristic developed and the nations literally live on a major part form the tourism, this also had made the islands as a perfect touristic center for almost every category. 

On this way we have to set clear that people of male had set the Maldives as an image of luxury no matter the category of the hotel so here I’m not going to tell you that there are very cheap hotels here or that food fit on the cheap category. But on the same way by using the internet you can perfectly plan a travel without expending all the money you have.

To do this you just need to know how to choose and consider all the elements of your journey. First there comes the tickets, and here is the first stage of spend that always concern about the route, to go into the Maldives islands you need to look for Male destination, some of the most well priced tickets comes from the middle east principal airlines, like Qatar Airways, or Fly Emirates. 

They will offer you a journey who has to make a stopover on Dubai or Doha for at least 12 hours, just enough time to spend a little more and go to meet the principal monuments of the cities for maximum 6 hours. Then you will be taking a medium time flight straight to Male.

On Male all the hotels count with transportation to the Maldives islands, and a hotel plan of five starts combined with cheap tickets on low season and food can result on a cost around the 6000 dollars for two on five days of journey.

How to say sorry with some presents

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

We make mistakes and of course we usually make Hurst on the people we love no matter if they are children, or adults, life usually involves make thigs we desire not made, and of course say things that are not good at all, when this fact happens we have to say sorry and of course we note that a simple sorry is not enough to express how deeply repent we are.

Here is when planning a gift is usually a good expression of our feelings and here you need to remember that a gift is just a complement and it will not fix everything if it is not followed with your words and your time with these people. A good example could be if you made the mistake to forget an important date for your son or daughter, like a game, or act.

He or she is going to be angry and sad with you from this omission and a sorry will be not enough for a child who feel alone without the presence of his or her mother, so here is when the perfect gift for these situation is to spend time doing what he or she want, on this occasions this is the best surprise you can give to them.

On the same way of you forget your anniversary or had been too far away of your husband a good present could be a dinner or go to somewhere together when you can express with actions more than words how repent you are for what happened.

Sorry gift are more than things we give to say sorry they really are moments that we form to express our love ones us repents and to try fixing the things we made bad.

How to face the loss of a love one?

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Death is a situation that all of us has to face, we can have the first contact with this fact when some people we use to know pass away by the time we are children’s, this is especially common with our grandparents, and while we are growing up death doesn’t sound too much painfully to us until we probably face the loss of our first loved pet.

By the way when people around us pass away without any sign like when it happens in an accident or while a cardiac problem or a spontaneity sickness like cancer, the things can happen so quickly that we also got hit by the lost just on the next days after the funeral ends, and this happens because when we had a deep impact about death it usually takes time for our mind to assimilate what happened.

Have conscience about the facts of the death perhaps it sounds sad it can make us value life and the time we have with our love ones, on the same way it prepares our mind to face it, and here is an advice that will be a consoler after death, to remember that you used well the time you had with your love ones to express them how much you love them.

When death happens some tips to face the lost starts by the use of time, including to start making activities in order to repair the hurts inside your mind and here is when go after spiritual reunions, like prayers at church or read bible has a very health effects on you, right after make some exercise routine and start to study something at college is a good medicine to face the empty space in our hearts.

How to avoid past the speed limit

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Get a tickets form police can really be expensive and annoying and of course involves the fact of lose our driver’s license that of course can be the worst result of all, and this result pass more than we note on people who doesn’t know how to keep the normal speed while they are driving. 

Our way of living is usually our worst enemy on these ways to respect the speed limit on the streets and is all because we are usually in a hurry, hurry to go work, hurry to take children for school, hurry to pick them for school, hurry for church, hurry for a huge etc. this way of live make us driving on a nervous state, and when we are under the effects of being nervous we push the pedal more than we want.

And here is when we usually get a ticket form police who is perfectly located on our way to see how hurry and fast we are. So probably you had figured out what is the first advice to avoid tickets from speed limit, stop of being hurry for everything, this involves a life change and a different way to manage your time.

Remember that is better to get late, than get late and with a ticket on your hand, so after change your life about the way you use time and program your schedule in order to be more on time for your appointments then you need to move on into drive more slowly than usually.

Drive fast could be also a routine and by these ways our body is just program to push the pedal, here you need to program yourself again in order to drive more slowly and accurate.

How to avoid get lost in the airport

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Airports are the perfect bug space to get lost specially if the airport itself is a place that we are visiting from the first time, and the things of course could go worst if the airport signs are not in English and instead of it there are wrote into a complete different language like Japanese, Spanish, Russian, or Chinese. This factors combined can result on the perfect receipt to get completely lost.

And the sensation of being in this situation of course doesn’t feels good at all, on the same hand the fear becomes our worst enemy because is a wall that usually stop our naturally movements to search for help. We feel embarrassed and when our first try fails we surrender to the fear feelings and try to solve the lost problem by yourself.

Let me tell you that trying to solve characters that you don’t know on the airport with a fly waiting for you is the worst thing you can do and the result is going to be that you will be more lost than the first time.

Here the first advice specially if you are going to make a stopover on an unknown airport is to keep with you and on your mind the gate of your next fly that is marked on your fly ticket, after it when you leave the airplane to make the stopover you need to go straight for the office of your airline and ask them if the gate remains the same.

This is usually the problem of the connection flies and all comes by the figure of airlines usually change flight gates two or even one hour before the flight so you have to be alert. If you get lost from where the gate is, then is time to search for help and face the embarrass feelings, here you need to understand that no matter where you are there is always an English speaker everywhere you just need to keep trying.

Fighting the fear that remains after a terror movie

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

Seeing a terror movie can also being consider a masochist action, specially when we have the tendency of being afraid for days after see a terror film, if you are those kind of women who use to want to see every terror film but then has to face the scary feelings on the time you sleep, this article could be good for you.

So let’s begin on the concepts you have on your mind about terror films, we use to thing those histories where real, or at least totally real on what they show on the movie, that’s why we find these creatures, ghosts and demons, probably to be present with us on real life and this can start a mind situation where our brain imagine all these creatures present in our room while we sleep.

On the worst stages of being afraid about terror films you will have nightmares for at least two or even five days after watch the film, and when this happens the things can go really worst for you because you can be being facing a paranoiac state of your brain.

The remedy

One of the remedies I rode to use after watched a terror film is by seeing another film or movie completely different, perhaps it can sound so simple and tiring, the fact of fill your mind with another images apart the terror ones, specially if you had been affected by them is a good medicine to combat the images that could remain on your imagination specially when you are going to sleep.

On the same way keep a light on and listen some music before and while you are sleeping can relax your conscience and keep the nervous and also the nightmares away.

Fighting against routine

By On Friday, January 13, 2017

There are so many articles in order to give you some advices to face and also change what we call routine, this daily way of live life that also sounds as a lost when we see that we are far away from the way of living we want, routine sometimes is unavoidable specially when we have to face a kind of job that perfectly demands it.

Office jobs are a good example of routine unavoidable, especially when we have to accomplish a stricter schedule every day of the week we form a routine that can also remain the same until we get fired or retired by time, routines like this could result deeply bad for our mind and body, and we usually find the consequences long term after we get out of the work.

The deal here is not to avoid routine, because as I’m telling on the first lines some works are unavoidable in order to form a routine, the deal and challenge is to change it, on better words I’m telling you about not keep the same routine every day. And even if you have a stricter schedule, you can also change the way you work every day and you are on total controls over the things you do after work.

Change against routine is principally a fight against the comfort zone, this place of mind and actions where we find comfortable even if we hate our life, because it comes expressed on the sensation of doing nothing no matter how much we want a change because we feel so tired.

This tired feeling is our first enemy and we have to defeat it by making somethings new after work and even while we are working, on the same way planning is the best key to face and change routine, here on this action you can also start searching for another job.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why Epcot center

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

There are for principal Disney’s parks in Orlando, and one of the most iconic ones has the name of Epcot Center. As woman you are probably planning your family next vacation time and by the way you could probably find that Disney at Orlando looks perfect for these summer plans, on the way visiting all Disney parks could be your unavoidable goal this year. So let me tell you why Epcot should be the first.

This park is designed around one topic, the world, around Epcot’s structure you will find several of the most iconic countries of the planet and on the same way the park makes a memory through history and to one of the most spectacular moments of humanity.

Epcot center’s representative monument, the ball is itself an attraction, the monument counts with cars inside that take you straight to walk over the time and see the history like never before, on the same way this attraction makes a projection of you at the future according with your preferences. At the end you can enjoy a brief video of you in the future.

This first attraction is a nice beginning for your visit on Disney’s parks, around this globe you will find also some spectacular attractions like Soaring, a fly simulator that take you all over the California state, followed by this there is the GM attraction where you take a car and pass all the test that company makes to their vehicles.

Finally, right before you start your journey through the different countries of the Epcot worlds you will find that there is a space simulator where you and your family can experiment with G forces and fly a spaceship to Mars. All of these attraction is just the beginning of an amazing day at Epcot center in Orlando.

Visiting Disney at Orlando

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

Disney is a trade mark that had catches the attention of many generations during time, by the way as woman you probably grew up with the images of the famous Disney’s princess like snow white, sleeping beauty, Cinderella, etc. Disney is part of our culture and actually is part of our child dreams too.

On this coming vacations when you start since now to think where you can take your kids this summer, Disney at Orlando is one of the most exciting place to go for them and even for you and your husband. 

Disney company had used Orlando as the base of its touristic efforts and right now the entire structures make what is called the Disney state, and is the definition of the entire location that begins after the magic sign of Disney entrance, since these mark the streets, the parks, the resorts, the touristic places like board walk and even ports comes straight on Disney’s properties.

When you visit Disney state with your sons at Orlando I can tell you that you will be a child again too, and the memories your family will make from this journey will remain on your mind forever.

If your budget is limited here are a group of tips you can use to enjoy the magic of these place, Disney offers package of resorts, ticket parks and even food for a single price, this way of moving is ideal for 4 or 5 family members who are going to visit Disney for a week, and the price goes around the 4000 to 7000 USD according to the kind of resort and package you choose.

If you want to save more you can go straight to make your package by your way, just by choosing a hotel on Orlando or Kissimmee, and buy the tickets for the parks apart, you can save more like this sometimes and on the same hand enjoy the free attractions of Disney state.

Visiting Casa Blanca

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sometimes when we think about Africa the first idea that comes to our mind is the one directly related with poverty and people that needs help to survive, we usually think about safaris and some lions too, but poverty is the one that usually remains with us, especially when we are thinking on a travel.

That’s why this amazing continent has some amazing surprise that remains undercover because Africa still has some of these bad popularity, that’s why countries like Morocco are still places that you need to discover and see them by yourself. Casa Blanca is Morocco’s capital and principal city, is surrounded by excellent beach and deserts.

Casa Blanca has also near to its location ancient places like the blue city, one of the oldest cities in the world who had conserved its old architecture and all its entire legacy that can be appreciated by the visitors. 

The capital is a place that you can take of the list when you think about places to visit in Africa the city and the entire kingdom conserves these air of old with some modern fresh structures the perfect combination to exotic vacations, and on the same hand the perfect place for a woman who need inspiration.

If you one some scape and some taste of paradise, Casa Blanca is near to one of the most enchanted beaches that also are rivals of the famous Maldives. The only thing against these places is that are not well develop as the famous islands on Male.

Finally, the place and the entire country is usually cheaper to visit than other destinies on the middle east and right now the kingdom had make great efforts to catch the attention of more tourist from all around the globe.

Risk of take too much sun

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

This winter season there is usually one think on our mind, the excitement of wait to the summer until the sun comes out and start to warm us again and take a lot of sun to our skin, this idea is great but on the same way there are risk that we need to prevent this summer more than ever.

Right now the sun had passed by several massive eruptions, this kind of explosions through a lot of blue rays to our atmosphere, this combined with the effects of the global warm will probably bring us a very intense summer, that’s why the risk is pretty high this year around the care we need to have above the skin.

On this summer no matter how much you could love sun, remember not be exposed to intense sun for more than an hour and always remember to take care of you by applying sun protector over your face, and body specially if you are going to be on the pool or the beach for the entire day.

Take care of your skin is more than trying to avoid get burned by the sun, on the same way it involves the fact take care about the development of some deeply diseases like the skin cancer, this type of disease is usually promoted by the UV rays and the exposition to long terms of sun light.

For sport and fresh air activities this summer, the morning just before noon is the best range of time to take sun and by the way get this color we desire for our skin, try to avoid be exposed without protection to the sun light that comes after the 11 am to the 4 pm.

Magic Kingdom the perfect park for adults and children

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

Imagine all your kid’s favorite characters together on a single place, sound impossible right or too expensive? Well on Disney’s parks this fact is possible, if your child’s loves Disney’s movies and fairy tales, this summer you should consider to visit magic kingdom with them.

As mothers we always need to look ahead and be planning the next vacation on this coming summer, that’s why if you are just considering options now and if you have kids on the ages from 4 to 15 Disney is simply perfect, and on this kind of journey you can make them happy and on the same way you can be joyful too.

Disney magic kingdoms park goes around one single topic, fantasy and fairy tales, is park that were designed thinking about children and to take adults into children again, that’s why here on this park we will find an amazing combination of fantasy world, some futuristic places, and parades that will make your experience an entire amazing day at the park.

To joy it you to remember reserve an entire day there, and since 9 o clock to the last spectacular light show nearly to 8 pm you will find that time really flies when you are having one of the best days of your life with your family.

Tickets to this park are usually located on the range above the 80 dollars the day, but you can find incredible offers just by go into Disney’s web page and see around the packages they offer the ones who fits accurate to your budget and plans. Magic kingdom is the central park of Disney installation and connected with the other 3 principal parks of Disney’s property.

How to divide your tasks with your husband?

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

The marry life is not easy and of course no matter how much love we have for each other, we will find during the first days of marry that we need to divide tasks at home, especially if you both work, and by the same way if you are planning to have children, you and your husband needs to manage your tasks as a team.

A long marriage that works finds on the team work the key to success and by the hand to conserve the love you have, since the begging stablish these way of acting will set the bases to start your family and to feel comfortable with the idea of being at home. 

Tips to do it

The first great tip a can give you make that is to use a board, on this space you have to enlist all the task that both need to make at home, here you need to include everything, since cutting the grass, leave the trash, cook breakfast, cook lunch, dinner, wash the dishes on every meal, clean the bathrooms, bedrooms, flour, living room and common areas of the house.

Here you need to consider everything and of course make a schedule of the week stablishing when this tasks have to be accomplish from who. Avoid to start a routine, you and your husband can be programing to change and also do together some of the activities listed on the board in order to work as a team.

This way of act will also serve you to avoid the feeling of be in charge of everything at home, who is also the most common fount for discussion on married couples.

How to be a good influence for your kids

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

Being a mother is a position that will endures all your entire life, we can say that this fact is a gift and is a challenge too, especially when we are mothers for the first time, as woman we desire to give the best for our children and on the same way we start to note that being a good influence to them is basic on their education and preparation to life.

We usually forgot about that children since their first year, they start to be a sponge, their brain use to receipt all the information around their environment and this small mind starts to form the baby’s behavior according directly to the parent’s influence. 

When the years comes and our children are on the ages of 4 to 10 they are forming how they are going to be on the teenager time and for adults, just by taking our example, that’s way be a mother and be parents involves more than the basic tasks we use to think when we are waiting a baby.


The first tip you need to stablish around your mother function start with the way you are going to talk to the baby, remember that here our small kids learns how to speak, if you don’t what that your children use to speak with offensive words avoid them completely from your language.

When you are facing a discussion with your husband please avoid to go extremely angry in front of your children and by the way avoid to use bad words between each other, children note this and they will start the same actions when they face discussion between them and other children at the school.

How Germany could be the gate to live your favorite fairy tales

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

If you are a woman who dreamed or still dream with the famous tales you learned when you were a child, revive them and see the places where they happened or at least the real history happened long time ago could be a dream for you. And of course this idea will take us straight to Europe.

When we think on fairy tales we use to imagine that this history or at least the real facts happened on the famous kingdoms o London and France, but the real facts are that this nation counts with its own legends more like the king Arthur or the Notre dame man, but fairy tales has their capital on Germany.

This amazing country had been the center of these tales from generation to generation, and on the same way it was there where two German brothers, the Grimm wrote the compilation of histories and tales of the Bavarian region that gave form of what we know a fairy tales.

Right now the nation has what they call a fairy tale road, is a route that pass by the ancient towns and old castles of the region where some of the most famous tales of all time where created and formed based on real and historic facts, like the famous snow white tale.

By a journey to the tales route you will find amazing sceneries, castles who will seem to be magic and enchanted and you will live from the inside the magic and the environment who gave form to the most famous tales of our infancy. This journey pass by ancient kingdoms and some very touristic and gastronomic places of Germany.

Discovering your intellectual potential

By On Thursday, January 12, 2017

A lot of people runs through life jus without knowing their potential on intellectual field, that’s why I’m personally agree with some experts that says this actual way of live in our society is the responsible of many geniuses lost, and if this true continues present in our future we as human kind could lost our potential to continuing discovering our universe and developing our world.

We had used the IQ test as judge to say who has intellectual potential and who not, but if we check out some history, some genius like Da Vinci or Pythagoras probably never reached a high scored into an IQ test, by the hand most of the genius we discover by these kind of evaluation ends their life making normal jobs as any one of us, and usually never get something new.

On the same way there are a lot of people who get a low scored on a IQ and they just forget their intellectual life and got into a comfort zone with live a normal life. Recently research had given some light about this topic and basically show that the word who describe better a genius is their capacity of make something new and for this the only request factor is to be unique.

So you and me have the genius factor inside, so the only thing you need is to press your creativity and proactivity bottom, and this is easier than you can imagine, by the way first you need to explore yourself and see what catch your attention, maybe it could be physics, or in the other hand maybe you are interested on music, astronomy, etc. and here is a huge etc. because you can be a genius on almost any field.

You just need to focus on what you love and then study and go after search for something new.
