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Thursday, January 12, 2017

How to be a good influence for your kids

Being a mother is a position that will endures all your entire life, we can say that this fact is a gift and is a challenge too, especially when we are mothers for the first time, as woman we desire to give the best for our children and on the same way we start to note that being a good influence to them is basic on their education and preparation to life.

We usually forgot about that children since their first year, they start to be a sponge, their brain use to receipt all the information around their environment and this small mind starts to form the baby’s behavior according directly to the parent’s influence. 

When the years comes and our children are on the ages of 4 to 10 they are forming how they are going to be on the teenager time and for adults, just by taking our example, that’s way be a mother and be parents involves more than the basic tasks we use to think when we are waiting a baby.


The first tip you need to stablish around your mother function start with the way you are going to talk to the baby, remember that here our small kids learns how to speak, if you don’t what that your children use to speak with offensive words avoid them completely from your language.

When you are facing a discussion with your husband please avoid to go extremely angry in front of your children and by the way avoid to use bad words between each other, children note this and they will start the same actions when they face discussion between them and other children at the school.
