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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Facing the darkness fear

Is the most ancient fear we have as human race and at the same time is usually the first fear that comes to our mind when we are kids, being afraid of darkness is usually natural, but let me tell you that when it starts is promoted by some external factor. A nana’s history, a movie, a book or an image who can cause of the danger sensation we feel when we are afraid.

And this is the first factor that defines the word and the act of being afraid is the danger sensation, is a natural protection instinct who of course is there as a sensor but can be shoot for a mind image and our imagination.

By knowing what define the fear sensation we can also find the solution for it, and of course it starts to solve the fount of the danger fear about darkness, let’s make a stop here and note that I’m talking about darkness fear on people who had grown up, on kids this condition can be presented several times while they are on the first ten years of life.

During these time the fear problem can be solved by talking about what they imagine on darkness when lights turned off and by facing with reality the things around the fear usually decrease and finally disappear from them.

But what happen when we are adults and the fear is still there?

Well the remedy starts by facing the fear cause, as adults there could be traumas on your mind that you need to solve and for it the first thing you need to do is to be on the darkness, if you use to sleep with the lights on, then is time to turned off.

Try to be in the dark for at least five minutes and then turn them on again and see the reality, that there is nothing dangerous, repeat it and increase the time every week in order to get comfortable until you can sleep with the light off.
