Blood can tell so much about us, that’s why on medicine there are several kinds of blood test, including those directly related with pregnancy, and the evaluation around the levels of defense of your body, our blood is the liquid in charge to transportation oxygen, nutrients, and of course the soldiers in duty of our defense around all our body.
So if there is an infection or any problem present, our blood will also show a different color or grade of red, and of course the components that contain it will be different or far away from the normal proportion your body needs on regular condition.
The goal of these article is to give a brief description of blood colors and of course I have to tell you that a full interpretation of it will directly depend of a medical examination, so let’s move on with the first and basic signs of your blood. And of course the first topic is the place where it come from.
As woman we periodically lost blood but of course these kind of blood we lose around the menstruation period, is usually different on aspect and color than the normal one, so on the first time the only sign that something goes wrong there is if the blood you lose is extremely dark or brown and its combined with some mucosa.
In the other hand when you suffer a cut or see your regular blood, if it is extremely clear it means that your body is probably out of balance and needs more nutrients and vitamins, a deep red blood is usually the best sign that your levels are ok.