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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Home this place that is present on more than 80% of the days in our life, this is the place where the major part of our life develops and by the way the place that is usually more affected for the routine. We use to live surrounded by the same colors, the same distributions and the same things for too much time.

And perhaps we usually never note, this constantly way of look affects our behavior and our humor at home, especially on seasons like winter where being at home is most frequently than ever, and why not? When the spring is coming soon this could be the perfect time to prepare your house for the rest of the year.


Making some exciting and new changes on it that will give a new look to the place you live and by the way a new point of view for your family. On this idea you should begin with the common areas at home, here there are included, the living room, dining room, kitchen and the patio.

Of course the patio has to be the last, especially if you live in a place who is still victim of snowing days. To start making the changes you can begin with the most common places of all the living room, here a change of color and furniture distribution use to be enough, but of course this change of color could involve new paintings on the wall specially if you have some ones in the attic.

Your kitchen could need even more attention than dining and living room, especially if you are considering a change of colors there or a new topic for decoration, here you need to test the ideas before you put them in action.
