There are so many articles in order to give you some advices to face and also change what we call routine, this daily way of live life that also sounds as a lost when we see that we are far away from the way of living we want, routine sometimes is unavoidable specially when we have to face a kind of job that perfectly demands it.
Office jobs are a good example of routine unavoidable, especially when we have to accomplish a stricter schedule every day of the week we form a routine that can also remain the same until we get fired or retired by time, routines like this could result deeply bad for our mind and body, and we usually find the consequences long term after we get out of the work.
The deal here is not to avoid routine, because as I’m telling on the first lines some works are unavoidable in order to form a routine, the deal and challenge is to change it, on better words I’m telling you about not keep the same routine every day. And even if you have a stricter schedule, you can also change the way you work every day and you are on total controls over the things you do after work.
Change against routine is principally a fight against the comfort zone, this place of mind and actions where we find comfortable even if we hate our life, because it comes expressed on the sensation of doing nothing no matter how much we want a change because we feel so tired.
This tired feeling is our first enemy and we have to defeat it by making somethings new after work and even while we are working, on the same way planning is the best key to face and change routine, here on this action you can also start searching for another job.