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Friday, January 13, 2017

How to avoid past the speed limit

Get a tickets form police can really be expensive and annoying and of course involves the fact of lose our driver’s license that of course can be the worst result of all, and this result pass more than we note on people who doesn’t know how to keep the normal speed while they are driving. 

Our way of living is usually our worst enemy on these ways to respect the speed limit on the streets and is all because we are usually in a hurry, hurry to go work, hurry to take children for school, hurry to pick them for school, hurry for church, hurry for a huge etc. this way of live make us driving on a nervous state, and when we are under the effects of being nervous we push the pedal more than we want.

And here is when we usually get a ticket form police who is perfectly located on our way to see how hurry and fast we are. So probably you had figured out what is the first advice to avoid tickets from speed limit, stop of being hurry for everything, this involves a life change and a different way to manage your time.

Remember that is better to get late, than get late and with a ticket on your hand, so after change your life about the way you use time and program your schedule in order to be more on time for your appointments then you need to move on into drive more slowly than usually.

Drive fast could be also a routine and by these ways our body is just program to push the pedal, here you need to program yourself again in order to drive more slowly and accurate.
