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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tips to avoid indigestion

This is the most common disease of all times of course is usually shortly unless if something deeply wrong is happening with us. But more than 80% of the indigestion case starts and ends on actions we take specially during a journey or at home when we are in charge of cooking.

To avoid this disease and of course the pain that is very hard to face there are some easy and good tips that can really save, especially when you have work, or if you are traveling, and the first and basic tip of all is be carefully with what you eat.

Since we are kids we use to discover the aliments who are well and not received by our stomachs, an example of it are those ones who doesn’t feels good digesting lactose, or spicy just to give an example, by knowing and marking those reactions on our brain is important to remember and avoid them from our food specially when we are away from home.

In the other side, the indigestion that comes from home food, is usually a consequence of having expired food in our refrigerator or of not well conserved aliments, on these case review and throwing away the food who is in bad condition is important to avoid indigestions.

When we eat outside, especially when we are traveling is important to take care about what and where you eat, is personally recommend you to eat on well-known restaurant and things from well knew trademarks. When you are outside specially traveling about to drink milk, orange juice or spicy food who can result as a bomb in our stomachs when you need to take a fly.

Finally take care about what and how you eat the food is the best preventing advice in order to avoid digestion problems. The way you combine the aliments is important too.
