A correct manage of your social networks starts to make them private and not public, unless that you are an artist, in case of what you should have a personal profile that is private and a public one. By making a private profile on social networks no matter the name you are protecting your self instantly from hackers and other users who can use your image to make damage.
Another useful tip of a social network management is to deactivate the instantly upload of pictures and videos from your cellphone or tablet, this kind of action perhaps that are available on your mobiles are not recommended because they put you out of control of what you share and what you don’t, and as you should note not all the videos and pictures should be uploaded on the internet.
On the next line of tips, we find the rule of keep away your profile information of any pages or non-trustable link that ask you this data, there malicious websites and pages that comes also with some mobile applications or rewards that demands your profile data, and this is a tramp in order to hacker and get into profile and personal information.
Finally, we get into the contacts, and this is the most common place or topic to find troubles on social networks as I told you first, have a private account is basic and choose your contacts straight from people that you know is the next step if you want to keep yourself out of problems with not trusting people.
A correct management of social networks will be very helpful for you and to a secure enjoy of the environment without any trouble or angry.