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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tips to save money and increase your account amount

Save, the whole word means a lot when we talk about goals and to reach those dreams we usually have on urn mind for years, save money is a word that sounds pretty easy to speak but at the same time is the perfect example of something hard to reach in actions, by the way our behavior is usually pushing us to buy more and at the same way to spend more all the time.

This way of living is the one who is usually behind our financial situation, right now on this same year a lot of citizen are very closer to be on bankruptcy condition, who means that their debts are very high above their incomes so they can’t pay and of course their way of living is going to be changed forever.

The goal with the word save is to get some capital or patrimony, and this like a plant demands attention, time and of course some sacrifice from you on every single day and of course on every spend you make. If your goal is to make a capital the first thing you need to do is to cut you spends and this is the first tip.

To make this you need to build a list of every single spend you make on a month and see what of these is not necessary or its not basic, put them a side because is time for you to start saving by cutting them taking these spends out of your budget. 

In the other hand planning is the best way for a long term save, ad for this you need to calculate your necessary spends and invest time looking for economy on those items, by these you will figure out at the end of the month that your amount on bank’s account is growing.
