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Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to live with several dogs

Pets are great, and dogs are one of the most beautiful pets at all, at least that’s what a major part of us thinks about, but when you start to living with them some duties and situations can take you out of mind, and of course if you are living or passing a time on others people’s house with several dogs at the same time you can get on difficulties.

Living with several dogs could be easy or hard directly depending on two factors, first is the space and here is when we have to consider the house dimensions and how is it divided, living with several dogs in a house with a big back yard Is not so hard or annoying because there is enough space for all.

In the opposite hand of this situation when you live with several dogs inside the house here is when the things can result surprise impossible or at least upset for you. That’s why if you are talking about you house and the pets your kids want to have, if the space and budget is limited you need to stablish some direct rules about the quantity of pets.

The second factor comes by the hand of the dog species, big dogs are usually more turbulent on small space because they feel stock too, small ones lives also better on reduced spaces, but when the quantity grows for more than two no matter the specie the things could result not comfortable for humans and dogs at the same time.

Dogs are amazing creatures and so great friends and family members, but when they find their selves with limited space and in crowded population they use to feel upset and sad too, that’s why is important to consider all this factors.
