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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Are you addicted to something?

Addictions comes on so many presentations and even without knowing you could be a victim of one, if we try to define the term, we will find that addiction could be consider the exceed of something together with the word frequent, this comes also with some kind of need sense from our mind.

This situation pus our body into a considered stress when we can satisfy the addiction we have, and of course here comes so many factors to deal with in order to figure out how to leave from this mental and hormonal situation. 

When we use to think on addictions we think so frequently on drugs, and alcohol, and of course they are addictions, but our society had been comfortable to ignore also some other addictions that can result deathly for human health too, like caffeine.

We can divide addictions on two different kinds, the first ones are those who involves being addicted to drink or eat something, even on injections, those are the addictions who includes alcohol, drugs and any other substance that makes our body feel the need of frequently receive it.

On the second side are the activities, those things who involves us to do something, here comes the pornography addiction, work addiction, and even so many other behaviors who involves some hormonal reaction, activities where human mind starts to do and depend on them as a need.

The first step to treat and addiction is to understand that you have it, if your recently behavior fits on one of these categories and the definition of the term, then you will be probably facing an addiction condition.

If you have it the second step to treat it comes to determine the cause and search for accurate help to deal with it.
