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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Spicy food and the common flue

Winter and spring are special times for common flue, by the hand almost all the seasons except for summer are environments where the cold or common flue can develop and affect several people at the same time, during this annoying sickness of course we start to fight against the virus by using common medicine, teas, and maybe you are those women who use to try with everything around.

One of this things that are part of the everything is the spicy food, at least it seems to bring us immediately relieve to congestion and to some of the symptoms that comes with this yearly disease, but is the spicy food as good as it seems to us? Does it really help or is a temporally feeling about sick relieve?

The answer comes with a yes, but is a conditioned one, food is good to partially relieve congestion during the cold but what it really helps on spicy food like the one who has Chile is to bring c vitamin to our body, spicy vegetable species are rich on this component and even more than an orange c vitamin is a big part of the components.

With this benefits of course you have to be careful, a lot of people use to take a lot of this kind of food when they have a cold and they just end bringing some other problems to their conditions, a moderate ingest of spicy food is good but too much can result on stomach irritation, and of course on the lost of the sense in the tong. 

So if you are getting through a cold condition this lasts days of winter, take care of you using accurate coverage, the right medicine, drink hot and natural teas, and some spicy food, when you feel more congestion.
